Musiksocke helps you with advice on everything to do with music. You can also easily discover the latest music or great classics in lists. Learn more about Musiksocke!
Popular musical instruments:
Who's behind Musiksocke?
We are a small team of online editors whose great passion is music. Since we are a very mixed team, we can cover many topics, which are looked after with great dedication. Learn more about Musiksocke!
🥰 What's special about us
Your opinion is needed! Together with the community, we create the best lists and helpful guides on all topics related to the world of music. Together we are strong and can achieve great things! Have fun taking part :)
🔥 We give everything
The online editorial team tries to compile the best songs or greatest hits in each category as objectively as possible. However, since the best songs in a list are always subjective to a certain extent, we need your help.
☝ Your suggestions
We constantly need suggestions and look forward to many questions and critical feedback. Just send us an e-mail if you want to reach us. Only together can we really keep all the guides and lists up to date!
😎 Since 2008
We've existed on the internet for a few years now. Originally, Musiksocke started out as a music blog, but over the years it has slowly developed into a comprehensive database with lots of guides and lists.
We answer your questions
What is actually good music? You can approach albums or individual songs in a very technical way: How is the song structured? Which instruments play a role? Which chords are used? Or you can look at it from an emotional perspective: What beautiful (or sad) moments have I experienced with the song? What feelings does the album trigger in me? Is it a self-contained concept? And does it sound good?